Bee Venom

The great Paracelsus once said: “He who despises poison knows not what lies hidden in the poison! For where there is poison, there is virtue.”

Bee venom is also known as apitoxin and is a transparent, odourless liquid mixture of proteins that bees use as a defence tool against predators.

One drop of bee venom consists of 88% of water and a small amount of venom.

Bee Venom Has Potential Health Benefits

For centuries, bee venom was used to assist with joint mobility suppleness and to boost the body’s natural immune system.

Bee venom contains several active molecules such as peptides and enzymes that have significant potential in treating inflammation.

Bee venom can enter into the human body orally (e.g., toothpaste), through manual injection or directly via bee stings.


Specialists agree that bee venom has significant anti-ageing properties.

There are many studies describing biological applications of bee venom and the potential use in alternative therapies.

Source: Wehbe R, Frangieh J, Rima M, El Obeid D, Sabatier JM, Fajloun Z. Bee Venom: Overview of Main Compounds and Bioactivities for Therapeutic Interests. Molecules. August 2019
I want to know more

Bee venom therapy (BVT) is one medicinal application of bee venom from honeybees into the human body for the treatment of some diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis.

BVT has been used in alternative medicine for more than 5,000 years. The use of BVT in the medicinal field was first raised from the fact that beekeepers hardly suffer from rheumatism or joint problems.

More recent studies suggest that bee venom may also aid in the treatment of central nervous system diseases, such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Source: Reiter, Ch., (2007): Bienengift gegen Entzündungen – Ein Beitrag zur Schaffung wissenschaftlicher Grundlagen für Apitherapeutische Behandlungskonzepte. Endbericht
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Source: Lee JA, Son MJ, Choi J, Yun KJ, Jun JH, Lee MS. Bee venom acupuncture for rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic review protocol. BMJ Open. 2014 Apr 23;4(4):e004602. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2013-004602. PMID: 24760349; PMCID: PMC4010843.
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The use of Bee Venom has also shown promising benefits against different types of cancer as well as anti-viral activity, even against the challenging human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Source: Glass C.K., Saijo K., Winner B., Marchetto M.C., Gage F.H. Mechanisms Underlying Inflammation in Neurodegeneration. Cell. 2010;140:918–934. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2010.02.016.


Specialists agree that bee venom has significant anti-ageing properties.

For centuries, bee venom was used to assist with joint mobility suppleness, boost the body’s natural immune system and as a tonic.

Mills Farm’s Organic Certified Bee Venom from New Zealand is the only product of its kind in the world.

Marina Strioukova, the owner of Mills Farm, ensure that the bee venom collected originates from organically certified beehives throughout New Zealand’s North Island.

Mills Farm is also verified with Parakore for 10 years, Organic Certification for 24 years and adheres to the combination traditional beekeeping techniques and the development of new technologies.


The Impact Of Bee Venom On Tooth Decay and Gingivitis (Gum Disease).

Dr Kashiwamura

In November 2018, Dr Kashiwamura, a dentist from Japan made some interesting observations during his research of bee venom on tooth decay and gingivitis (gum disease).

The reason Dr Kashiwamura became intrigued by bee venom stems from his interest in the bee as a small insect and its incredible capacity to do good things to humans.

What did Dr Kashiwamura discover?

“The main element of Bee Venom, (40-50%) is Melittin, an antibacterial peptide which is to be believed to reduce inflammation towards the Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) treatment of Porphyromonas Gingivitis (PG) plaque bacteria.10

Melittin will decompose bacteria cells and sterilize them through the combination of Erythrocyte (red blood cells) to take hold in the bacteria cell membrane and destroying those infected cells.

Furthermore, I learned that Bee Venom is used in Cosmetics and Beauty products in other countries (not in Japan yet). I am also interested of the healing impact of bee sting treatment.

It would be wonderful if our body could absorb natural bee products, once the side is effects of such treatment are addressed. I am still discovering the unknown properties of Bee Venom for medical treatment.

I wonder what bees would be capable if they were the same size as a human?”

Personally, dentist Dr Kashiwamura uses Manuka honey for fatigue and sore throats.

November 2018